Posted by: thefitacademic | May 26, 2011

Things about Texas

I knew the SECOND that I got off the plane that I was back in TEXAS!

Things I Love about Texas

1. Southern Hospitality

I sneezed and a random stranger said “Bless You

-Why Thank You, random stranger! This would never happen elsewhere!

2. The Southern Gentleman

I reach for my suitcase from the luggage carrousel in the airport and the guy next to me reaches over and grabs it for me when I was struggling to pull it off in time.

-Wow! Thanks! So polite/chivalrous, and yet I’m not left feeling offended – like “I could’ve done that just fine myself” No – it was much appreciated!

3. Willie Nelson and Pat Green playing on the radio – even on the “Pop” stations!

But as much as I love all things Texas, I’ll be the first to admit that Austin is unlike anywhere else in the state. Austin is truly something special. If you ever get the chance to visit, I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, I had to be reminded of a couple of the things I have NOT missed about Austin. You know – the good goes with the bad and all that stuff Open-mouthed smile

Things that Suck about Austin

1. Traffic!!


The original city planners of Austin had always intended for it to stay small. Although there’s still that small-town friendliness and hospitality, the streets were horribly designed and traffic is TERRIBLE – Austin was never meant to be as big as it has become!

2. Heat + Humidity


Yes, Tucson is hot! But, Tucson has no humidity. I’ll tell you what 105 degrees in Tucson is MUCH more bearable than 105 degrees when there’s 80% humidity!! Ugh! Also notice that the number in the lower right corner is the average MPH. See how it says 26.2? Yeah – that’s on the highway. There was traffic. See things I DON’T like, item #1, above Confused smile

But, just to end on a happy note rather than a bad note, there are several AMAZING things about Austin, specifically, that the rest of Texas cannot necessarily boast.

Reasons why Austin is Awesome

1. Water, water, everywhere!


You all know how much I’ve missed water while living in the desert! I’m making up for lost time, for sure!

2. Beautiful, mature oak trees and green grass everywhereIMAG0809

For some reason I associate dirt with death. So although the desert has its own unique ecosystem, I’m not a big fan. I’ll take these beautiful, mature oak trees that spread across the street & the green lawns anyday!

3. Family, duh!!

I’ve been having a blast and staying crazy-busy! Yesterday my sister, mom, and I took the quads + their big sister (my nieces and nephews) to Zilker Park to ride a little train they have. It was a handfull! And in 100+ degree heat, it was HOT! But worth every minute!




I also got in a good swim for triathlon training.


The water was FREEZING! It prompted me to call and reserve a wetsuit. I had to go in and try it on to make sure it would work. I looked HAWT.Winking smile


Uh-oh! Watch out, boys! haha!

I also got to have dinner with some friends and we enjoyed a nice, lengthy catch-up talk. Love those. Today included lunch and shopping with my Mom, Sister, and Grandma. We saw some “lovely” (read: tacky) UT paraphernalia, and it actually made me happy – glad I’m back in Austin!


lovely, right? Winking smile


Now I need to get crackin’ on some work. Ugh! Then if all goes well I’ll get my triathlon bike in order (the tires are flat as can be) and enjoy a nice bike ride before doing late night happy hour with the girls. Got to run!

What Is/Was Your College Team? I’ll always be a Longhorn simply because I’m from Austin….even though I didn’t go to college there, haha!


  1. I don’t have a college team but I do somewhat follow NFL panthers. Even though they were god awful this year.

    • My hubbs is a die-hard Seahawks fan and they suck a LOT of the time : ) There’s something to be said for sticking by your team…in the good AND the bad! 🙂

  2. I’ve only been to Austin once and loved it–well, not the humidity! The roads are the same way in Charlotte, the planners never intended for it to get big, it sucks. I went to WVU so I’m a Mountaineer!

    • Very true, the humidity can be rough. But I’m originally from Houston (from birth – 10years old) so after that Austin is fabulous. Houston is so much closer to the coast that the humidity is out-of-control!!!

  3. My uncle is moving to Austin next week- it looks like such a pretty city! I really want to visit one day 🙂

  4. I’ve never been to Texas, but I love the idea of the Southern gentleman!! My boyfriend was born in the midwest, so while he’s great, I’d love to have a real Southern guy open my doors from me when I get out of a car haha! 🙂 Have a fabulous weekend!!

  5. Yay for Southern Hospitality! Glad you are loving Austin.. mostly 😉
    Your nieces are adorable and I like the wetsuit!

  6. […] addition to all the UT paraphernalia I had mentioned, there’s plenty of Cowboys fans, as well! Loved these Salt and Pepper shakers […]

  7. […] things to the gym. But when I was in Austin I snagged a precious duffel bag from Sam Moon (remember that day when I went shopping and saw all the tacky UT stuff? I actually got something good from […]

  8. […] 1.My Heart Belongs to Texas, May, 2011 […]

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