Posted by: thefitacademic | May 24, 2011


….in Austin, that is!

I hated the early morning. My alarm was set for 4:00am, but I was tossing & turning worried that I’d oversleep and I ended up actually waking up at 3:30 completely wide-awake unable to sleep, so I started my day at 3:30am. I’m notorious for forgetting things when I go on trips, but so far I haven’t noticed anything *fingers crossed*

And, like a horrible blogger, I’ve totally forgotten to take pics from today (except for during my long layover at the Vegas airport)IMAG0777IMAG0776

Soooo, I’ll keep this short and sweet.

Met for dinner with my entire immediate family: Mom, Step-Dad, sister, brother, sis-in-law, nieces/nephews, and 3 of my 4 step-brothers (the other is out of state). Crazy, right! In our dinner party we had 10 adults + 5 high chairs!! Yikes!

My step-brother who did the Cap Tex Tri last summer got me all freaked out about maybe not being entirely prepared! I’m planning on going swimming tomorrow in open water to train (so far all of my swims have been pool swims) and this evening I picked up the bike I’ll be using (a sweet friend of similar height is letting me borrow one), so I need to get used to it so there won’t be any surprises.

Aside from that, I already have lots of plans piling up. Taking the nieces & nephews to Zilker Park tomorrow, lunch + a movie with my grandma and mom Thursday, plans for BBQs and manicures, and dinners with friends, and more. Hope I can find time to get some work done!!!

Toward that end….I need to run! It’s late and I need to wake up early so I can get in a couple hours of work before heading out! See you soon (hopefully with more pictures!) Open-mouthed smile

Where is your “home”? Although I live in Tucson, “home” will always be in Austin!


  1. Aww! There’s nothing better than going home! My family moved to BC, Canada when I was in junior high, but HOME will always be Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada. Bonus points to anyone that can find it on a map, hahaha.

    • wow, yeah – I’ve never even heard of it! I’d have to cheat with a google search : )

  2. oh I will be down at the expo sunday! maybe I’ll see you!

    • I was going to ask if your hubbs was doing the CapTexTri!! It’d be great to get to meet “in person” : ) What time are you heading to the expo?

  3. Aww yay home 🙂
    I totally understand with getting nervous about over sleeping, I do the same thing!

  4. I love going home. In fact, that is where I am now in VA Beach. Although it’s terribly hot, it’s still right where I want to be.

  5. Going home is so nice 🙂 How exciting for you to be in Austin!

  6. You are back:) Home is Orem, Utah for me! You have so many fun plans with your family wahoo!!

  7. I wake up all the time, too, when I know I’m flying (or have an event) the next morning!
    Home for me is Cleveland. 🙂

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