Posted by: thefitacademic | May 10, 2011

Cookies & Dinners

I’ve had a pretty good beginning of the week. A little more eventful at work than I was hoping for, but not bad. I haven’t worked a single night yet (and that’s saying something!)

Yesterday I gave my class their final. I baked them cookies & ended up with tons leftover. The final was optional to replace a lower test grade and I overestimated the number of students that would show up.

I packed up leftovers to take over to my neighbor so I won’t eat them myself


Oatmeal Craisin & Walnut Chocolate Chip –> I was a baking fool over the weekend! It was perfect because I was able to take fresh baked cookies to the graduation party on Saturday and the dinner party on Sunday. So nice to be able to contribute a freshly baked good (along with a bottle of wine). Winking smile

This evening Chris has a meeting and I’m going to curl up on the couch and plan out the grocery list and menus based on the current sale items and any fun recipes I see in Better Homes and Gardens.


I like to plan weekly menus and lately I haven’t had time to make menus based on sales, etc. It will be nice to get back into a bit of a routine (and save some money, too!)

Do you plan weekly dinners?

What magazines do you subscribe to? My Nana got me Better Homes & Gardens for a X-mas gift. My whole family kinda wishes I were more domestic Open-mouthed smile


  1. I’ve been thinking of baking all day today. P wouldnt help though so I went without. I’m now pouting!

    the oatmeal craisin cookies look fantastic! ahhh jealous! =)

  2. I am just subscribed to womans health. So creative and exciting…

  3. My favorite magazine is prob Clean Eating, but it just expired! 😦 ha

  4. i get runners world, but thats only because my dad bought it for me for christmas. So glad he did too!
    Your class is lucky to get cookies!

  5. I never meal plan past 2 or 3 dinners a week, but I wish I did a better job. It’s hard because I don’t know what I’ll be in the mood to eat on any given day!

    When I gave my final when I taught community college, the kids acted like I was trying to poison them when I brought in candy, so I’m surprised your students ate your cookies 🙂

  6. I do weekly menu’s and I love it 🙂 I also coupon haha.
    Your cookies sound great! I would have taken them AND the final if I was in your class 😉
    I subscribe to Cooking Light and Food Network!

    • I’ve been thinking of getting Cooking Light!

  7. I do weekly menus, or at least pick out a few meals I know I want to make, in order to save money. Only doing one big grocery shopping trip instead of several small ones makes a big difference for me. I can be such an impulsive buyer!

    Those cookies look delish! I wish my teachers would bake us cookies.

  8. I love Better Homes & Gardens!! Even though I’m still an apartment dweller =) haha

  9. I have been dying to bake but have no one to give them to! Wish I had students or even worked in a bigger office.

    My magazines piled up so I stopped subscriptions to some of my old favorites – Marie Claire and Glamour – and now just get Shape and Self plus Oprah, which my mom gifted me bc it was a buy one get one kind of deal. And then I steal her Phoenix Magazine when I go to their house.

  10. I’ve been trying to plan dinners more because I’m a broke graduate student. It is harder living with my boyfriend, because we eat different amounts of food.
    Those cookies look great!

    • I have the same issue with my hubbs! He eats bowls of cereal as “snacks” in between meals! haha

  11. So cool that you made them cookies!! You rule! Usually, I plan lunches but not so much with dinners.

  12. I baked cookies for my students last year, but luckily there were only a few leftover (and I happily ate those ones 😛 ) Sweets are the best way to get the kiddlywinks on side, I’ve found (even though my students were 18…)

    • hey i know I always enjoy an unexpected treat! : )

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